National Assembly Library of Thailand

The constitution of Malaysia : a contextual analysis /

Harding, Andrew

The constitution of Malaysia : a contextual analysis / The constitution of Malaysia Harding Andrew. - Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2012. - 266 p. ; 22 cm. - Constitutional systems of the world .

Acknowledgements --
Glossary of Malay Terms and Abbreviations --
Table of Cases --
Table of Legislation --
Introduction --
1. Historical Background --
I. Symbolic Malacca --
II. The Constitution of Malacca and the Malay Concept of Monarchy --
III. The Colonial Constitutional Experience: the Residential System --
IV. Federalisation --
V. The Malayan Union --
VI. The Federation of Malaya --
VII. The Reid Commission --
VIII. The Commission's Report and the Constitutional Debate --
IX. The Creation of Malaysia --
X. The May 13 Incident --
XI. Conclusion Further Reading Websites --
2. Executive Power and the Developmental State --
I. Introduction --
II. Constitutional Structure of the Executive Power --
A. A Constitutional Monarchy --
B. The Prime Minister --
C. The Cabinet --
D. Administrative Agencies and the Public Service --
III. Privatisation --
IV. The Social Contract: Drafted and Amended --
V. The Social Contract: Specific Performance V--
I. Conclusion Further Reading --
Websites --
3 Parliamentary Democracy in a Plural Society --
I. Introduction --
II. Elections and the Composition of the Dewan Rakyat --
III. Political Parties and the Political Process --
IV. Parliamentary Process --
V. Parliamentary Accountability --
VI. Parliamentary Committees --
VII. The Dewan Negara --
VIII. Conclusion Further Reading --
4. erritorial Governance: Monarchy and the State Constitutions --
I. Introduction --
II. The Powers and Position of the Rulers --
III. State Government Formation and the Limits of Royal Powers --
IV. The Conference of Rulers --
V. Conclusion Further Reading --
Websites --
5 Territorial Governance: Federal, State and Local Government I. Introduction --
II. Federal and State Powers: A Measure of Autonomy --
III. Federal and State Finance --
IV. Special Position of Sabah and Sarawak ---
V. A Case Study: State Governance in Selangor Post-200 --
VI. Local Government --
VII. Conclusion Further Reading --
Websites --
6 Human Rights in an Authoritarian State --
I. Introduction --
II. Emergency Powers and National Security Laws --
III. Individual Liberty and Preventive Detention --
IV. Sabakam: The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia --
V. Human Rights: the Indigenous Perspective --
VI. Conclusion Further Reading --
Websites --
7 The Judiciary and the Defence of Judicial Power --
I. Introduction --
II. Judicial Independence and the Constitution --
III. The Judicial Power --
IV. Constitutional Interpretation --
V The Judicial Crisis of 1988 --
A. Judicial Activism 1986-88 --
B. The UMNO Election Case --
C. A Perfect Storm: the Judiciary Entangled --
D. The Bar Responds VI. Judicial Independence: a Downward Slide --
VII. A Scandal Leads to Better Outcomes: the Lawyers' Walk for Justice --
VIII. Conclusion Further Reading --
Websites --
8 Religion and the Constitution --
I. Introduction --
II. Law and Religion: History and Context --
III. Islamicisation and the Islamic State --
IV. Islam as the Official Religion --
V. Religious Freedom --
VI. Conversion and the Courts --
VII. Conclusion Further Reading Websites --
onclusion --


Constitutional law --Malaysia

Malaysia--Politics and government--20th century
Malaysia --Politics and government--21st century
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