National Assembly Library of Thailand

House of Representatives practice

House of Representatives practice - Canberra : C. J. Thompson, 1981 - 966 p. : graph, shart ; 26 cm.

1.The parliament --
Governor-General --
Power and jurisdiction of the houses --
The courts and parliament --
Constitution Alteration --
2. The role of the houses of representatives --
Independence of the houses --
Fundamental distinctions between the function of the two houses --
Function of the house --
Prerequisites for fulfilling functions --
3.Disagreements between the houses --
Double dissolution --
Significance of the constitutional crisis of 1975 --
Joint sitting --
4. The structure of the houses --
Political parties --
The ministry --
Cabinet --
Federal executive council --
The (official) opposition --
5. Election and the electoral system --
The first election --
General elections --
By-elections --
Senate elections --
Electoral division --
Electors --
The timetable for elections --
Electoral expenses --
Disputed Elections and returns --
6. Parliament house and the houses of representatives chamber --
The parliament chamber --
New and permanent parliament house --
The chamber --
Photographs, film and television --
The parliamentary service --
Parliamentary precincts and the exercise of authority --
7. Members --
The member's role --
Number of numbers --
Qualifications and disqualifications --
Swearing-in --
New members --
Pecuniary interest --
Payment of members --
Vacancy --
Attendance --
Titles accorded to members --
Dress and conduct --
Service on non-parliamentary organisation --
8. The speaker and officers of the houses --
The office of speaker --
Election of speaker --
Powers, functions and duties --
The mace and the speaker --
Vacancy in office of speaker --
Absence of speaker --
The speaker's vote --
Speaker's rulings --
Criticism of speaker's actions and conduct --
Chairman of committees --
Principal permanent officers of the house --
9. the parliamentary calendar --
A session --
The address in reply --
Sitting and non-sitting periods --
10. Business of the house and the sitting day --
Sitting day --
Meeting of the house --
Prayers --
Routine of business --
Eleven o'clock rule --
Adjournment and adjournment debate --
Quorum --
Division --
Balloting --
11. Legislation --
The legislative Function of parliament --
Bills-the parliamentary process --
Ordinary and non-financial bills (class 1) --
Printing and other administrative arrangements in connection with bills --
A note on the financial procedures of the house --
Bills containing special appropriations (class 2) --
Taxation bills (class 3) --
appropriation and supply bills (classes 4 and 5) --
Bills received from the senate (class 6) --
Constitution alteration bills (class 7) --
Procedural variations for passage of bill --
Procedure following senate consideration --
Senate bills amended by house --
Lapsed bills --
Presentation of bills to the governor-general --
Delegated legislation --
12. Motions --
What is a motion --
Rules regulating requirement of notice --
Motions --
Special types of motions --
Amendments to motions --
13. Control and conduct of debate --
Manner and right of speech --
Rules governing content of speeches --
Interruptions to members speaking --
Curtailment of speeches and debate --
Power of chair to enforce order --
14. Questions --
Some historical features --
Questioners --
Direction of Questions --
Question time --
Principal rule governing question --
Question without notice-form and content --
Supplementary questions --
Question on notice --
Answers --
15. Matters of public importance --
Nature of the public importance discussion procedure --
Discretionary responsibility of the speaker --
Reading of matter to the house --
Discussion --
16. Private members' business --
General business --
Grievance debate --
17. Papers and documents --
Papers presented to the house --
Orders and resolutions of the house in relation to papers and documents --
Distribution and printing of documents --
Documents of the house --
18. Parliamentary committees --
Authority for the appointment of committees --
Type of parliamentary committees --
Committees established by resolution of the house --
Committees established by standing order --
Joint committees established by resolution of both houses --
Joint statutory committees --
Evidence --
19. Parliamentary privilege --
Privilege defined --
The commonwealth parliament's privilege powers --
Further comment on the nature of privilege --
Enumeration of privileges --
Freedom of speech -
Freedom form arrest --
Acts constituting breaches of privilege and contempts --
Penal jurisdiction of the house --
Punishment of members --
Manner of dealing with privilege matters --
Codification of privilege --
Limitations and safeguards in the use of privilege --
20. Parliament and the citizen --
Communication in a democracy --
Informing the electorate --
Informing and influencing members --
The member and the house in the democratic process --.


House of Representatives -- Australia
Legislative bodies -- Australia
Parliament pratice -- Australia

KD219.A8.3 H68 1981
สำนักงานเลขาธิการสภาผู้แทนราษฎร เลขที่ 1111 ถนนสามเสน แขวงถนนนครไชยศรี เขตดุสิต กรุงเทพฯ 10300
The Secretariat of the House of Representatives 1111 Samsen Road, Thanon Nakhon Chai Si, Dusit, Bangkok 10300, THAILAND
โทรศัพท์: +66(0) 2242 5900 ต่อ 5711 โทรสาร: +66(0) 2242 5990 อีเมล: